Embed Control developer version for controlling and monitoring Arduino

By dave on May 25, 2022

There are two versions of Embed Control desktop UI, the first is built into TcMenu Designer and is aimed at developers and more advanced users that fully understand the menu tree, and may want to create customize views. The second version is a user-centric Embed Control packaged for App Stores and available from the App Store for that platform. This version will also support mobile devices running iOS and Android soon.

Control embedded menu application from browser - embedCONTROL.js

By dave on April 25, 2022

Instead of the desktop version, on Raspberry PIs you can serve a React.JS based single page web application that needs no installation. It works on a wide range of mobile phones, desktop and tablet devices. It is not supported in the Arduino or mbed environment directly at the moment. Using the deployed app To open the app, simply browse to the device on the configured host and port. For example if the device were 192.

Using the App Store version of Embed Control

By dave on December 6, 2023

Embed Control allows you to control tcMenu based applications using either a mobile phone or desktop computer. is gradually being made available on the App Store, in a lighter user-centric form more suited to end users and mobile device use. It uses the same forms as the full desktop developer version and has at least as good connectivity. Available already on the Windows Store, and a BETA/RC is available for all Apple devices.

Generating Form Layouts for use with Embed Control

By dave on December 4, 2023

Embed Control can load layouts that have been generated in tcMenu Designer. These layouts provide more control over the mobile layout than what is possible using the Auto UI. Either the user-centric or tcMenu Designer based UI can load forms, but only tcMenu Designer can create them. How does Embed Control show menu items? A form layout is nothing more than a grid of drawing instructions, and you can select the number of columns in the grid, along with the layout name and a few common options.

Completed roadmap projects 2021 Q2

By dave on April 2, 2021

Summary Please see GitHub for the ongoing work, this only shows historic work. Projects that have been compeleted in Q1/2 of 2021. All releases use the name of a popular LP / album. See the Product roadmap for current projects Sprint: There’s a new dawn (The New Dawn) Status Est Project Task Done testing Fully test tcMenu 2.1 UI with 2.0 libraries to ensure all new features are working, and high compatibility Done website Document the changes in the interfaces for 2.

tcMenu Designer UWP and MacOS - 2.x releases

By system on February 5, 2021

Current status, TcMenu Designer 2.1.x is the current stream, the 2.0 library and plugins will be released soon. At this point 1.7 will become previous, and 2.0 current. All menus we’ve tested have transitioned without any issues. The main changes: All graphical classes moved into the “graphics” directory, so for example GfxMenuConfig.h is now graphics/GfxMenuConfig.h. Most of the graphical code is now in a namespace, you may need using namespace tcgfx; in your code, although the library takes care of backward compatibility for most.

tcMenu Designer UWP and MacOS - 1.7 releases

By system on December 5, 2020

Release 1.7.12 (download version 13) Windows 10 Full testing completed Ensure that save adds to the recent list immediately Release 1.7.11 Windows 10 BETA Automated testing has been added during the release cycle, tests complete menu creation flow. Very minor formatting and display bugs have been fixed. This will probably become the next Windows Store seed. Release 1.7.10 Windows 10 BETA Refactored the tree view to be more like the MacOS and Java version.

Completed roadmap projects 2020 Q3

By dave on November 12, 2020

Summary Please see GitHub for the ongoing work, this only shows historic work. Projects that have been compeleted in Q3 of 2020. All releases use the name of a popular LP / album. See the Product roadmap for current projects Emergency changes to Windows designer to restore stability (Completed 23/12/2020) Next sprint abandoned while we restore stability to the windows tcMenu designer application and make it possible to download and use all current patch releases of the software.

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