LED Display is a library that can manage multiple 7-segment displays using the multiplex technique.

Arduino 7 segment LEDDisplay library download

By dave on May 4, 2015

This Arduino library makes it easy to drive a multiple digit 7 segment display with the option of using a timer1 interrupt to constantly redraw the digits. Therefore, this avoids having to call in continuously to refresh the display. Flexibility was the main goal and as such methods are available to write decimal, floating point, hex and character data onto the display. Many examples are provided with the library. Many thanks to http://www.

Arduino 7 segment LEDDisplay library documentation

By dave on May 4, 2015

Using the LEDDisplay library LEDDisplay is an easy to use library that makes light work of multi-digit 7segment displays. If you need help building the circuit or understanding the concepts, then refer to this guide: Arduino multiple digit, 7 segment display tutorial. Answering questions and getting help Get help from the community forum for LEDDisplay, or use the help widget (on the right) to contact us about commercial support on LEDDisplay Setting up the LEDDisplay library Before using any methods from the library, and usually in the global scope (outside of any function) you need to include the header file and initialise the library.

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