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Forum Index » tcMenu Arduinio library
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Joined: Jul 15, 2019
Messages: 15
davetcc wrote:I suspect that you have not set the config variable in the code generator.

In the designer UI, select the code generator and check if the display config variable is set to the name of the configuration object declared in your sketch. This should fix the situation. That is what joins the config with the menu code.

I’m actually not near a computer at the moment but I’ll try and look at the code as soon as I can.

yes that's it. The UI-Designer now put the display_config variable (myConfig) to the right place. So that the Pointer redirects to myconfig to config, or something like this. Anyway now I understand a bit better and it is working. great!

Joined: Jul 15, 2019
Messages: 15
davetcc wrote:Also in terms of modifying the rendering of enum items, yes the rendering class that you mentioned earlier could be modified to draw items however you see fit.

However, i would recommend getting everything working before attempting that.

absolutely, you are right.
I guess the last step we can define as solved smilie


Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Andre wrote:
davetcc wrote:Also in terms of modifying the rendering of enum items, yes the rendering class that you mentioned earlier could be modified to draw items however you see fit.

However, i would recommend getting everything working before attempting that.

absolutely, you are right.
I guess the last step we can define as solved smilie

For changing the renderer:

What I suggest is get your amplifier working first, learn a bit more about the Arduino environment and then by that point I should have the guides up to date on modifying an existing renderer to extend it.

But basically it’s as simple as:

1. In the designer UI change the display type to custom renderer
2. Rename the two files containing the renderer classes (and update the includes).
3. Make your adjustments to the renderer!

Joined: Jul 15, 2019
Messages: 15
Ok, sounds like a plan!
It will take a long time to design the amp. Mean while I can work with the Design like it is.

Just for Info, here my target for the Display Menu.
Display :

Startup Screen with Logo
		Status and Info Screen
		? on Click start tcMenu
Analog Mute ? on/off

DAC high
	Digital Filter ?Sharp Roll-off
					Slow Roll-off
					Short Delay Sharp Roll-off
					Short Delay Slow Roll-off
					Super Slow Roll-off
					Low Dispersion Short Delay
	De-emhasis PCM ?off
					32 Khz
					44.1 Khz
					48 Khz
	Analog Quality ?Setting1 to 6
	Soft Mute	?	on/off

	Attentuator Level 
DAC mid
	Digital Filter ?Sharp Roll-off
					Slow Roll-off
					Short Delay Sharp Roll-off
					Short Delay Slow Roll-off
					Super Slow Roll-off
					Low Dispersion Short Delay
	De-emhasis PCM ?off
					32 Khz
					44.1 Khz
					48 Khz
	Analog Quality ?Setting1 to 6
	Soft Mute	?	on/off

	Attentuator Level 

DAC low
	Digital Filter ?Sharp Roll-off
			                Slow Roll-off
					Short Delay Sharp Roll-off
					Short Delay Slow Roll-off
					Super Slow Roll-off
					Low Dispersion Short Delay
	De-emhasis PCM ?off
					32 Khz
					44.1 Khz
					48 Khz
	Analog Quality ?Setting1 to 6
	Soft Mute	?	on/off

	Attentuator Level 

DSP Setups 

Input Sel.
	HDMI(I2S), spdif
Volume high
Volume mid
Volume low

Thanks for your help.


Joined: Jul 15, 2019
Messages: 15
Hello There,

today I switched from DUE to Mega AVR. Now the arrows in the menu are crazy symbols.

On the DUE Board the arrows are as expected.
I checked the GfxMenuConfig.cpp and edit the loResActivIcon but that changed nothing. It looks like the Icons are not loaded.
What could this be?

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Sorry, I somehow missed this one, this is because you've probably previously selected a 32-bit build in the code generator so it's not including PROGMEM on the images, the fix is simple:

  • Make a backup of your sketch directory (as a zip file or similar).

  • Go back to the designer UI and choose generate code

  • For the embedded platform, instead of selecting for Arduino 32 select Arduino AVR.

  • Rebuild your code.

  • Andre wrote:Hello There,

    today I switched from DUE to Mega AVR. Now the arrows in the menu are crazy symbols.

    On the DUE Board the arrows are as expected.
    I checked the GfxMenuConfig.cpp and edit the loResActivIcon but that changed nothing. It looks like the Icons are not loaded.
    What could this be?

    Joined: Jan 19, 2019
    Messages: 686
    Andre wrote:Ok, sounds like a plan!
    It will take a long time to design the amp. Mean while I can work with the Design like it is.

    Just for Info, here my target for the Display Menu.

    Looks like it will be a very good setup. For the final unit, I'd use something like an ESP32 or an MKR board with ethernet or WiFi. This will allow you to easily use the TcMenu remote control capabilities as well. The designer can generate code for those no problem. If you go ESP just make sure you use a reputable board.

    I've gone a different way with my amp for the office. I've got a large AB power amplifier running hot, so delivering quite a bit of power in class A. However, it's summer-time over here at the moment and it's making the office a bit warm at times when it's on.

    However, I'm like the carpenter that needs to fix a door, the amp is still running on the firmware that pre-dates me working on the menu library. It has no display nor remote support. One of these days I'll take it all apart again and fix it up to work with tcMenu.


    I am considering building power amps for my AV system, using classD modules, I think I'd need 6 (front, rear, height) as I don't use a centre based on the fact that there's a fireplace there. I'd be interested in how it works for you once you get it going.

    Joined: Jul 15, 2019
    Messages: 15
    This is exactly what I did. I also rebuild a new sketch with AVR selected from scratch in the UI-Designer for testing. But also there are the missing arrows.
    I´ll investigate further and let you know.

    davetcc wrote:Sorry, I somehow missed this one, this is because you've probably previously selected a 32-bit build in the code generator so it's not including PROGMEM on the images, the fix is simple:

  • Make a backup of your sketch directory (as a zip file or similar).

  • Go back to the designer UI and choose generate code

  • For the embedded platform, instead of selecting for Arduino 32 select Arduino AVR.

  • Rebuild your code.

  • Andre wrote:Hello There,

    today I switched from DUE to Mega AVR. Now the arrows in the menu are crazy symbols.

    On the DUE Board the arrows are as expected.
    I checked the GfxMenuConfig.cpp and edit the loResActivIcon but that changed nothing. It looks like the Icons are not loaded.
    What could this be?
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