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tcMenu Designer UI foreign languages and characters
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27 27/06/2021 05:49:36
380034 02/01/2023 19:17:09
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library OLED Display u8g2
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22 15/07/2019 11:09:19
333172 27/07/2019 23:59:06
Andre Latest Reply
Library Releases and Announcements tcMenu 1.x releases
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17 22/01/2019 00:06:51
314995 24/01/2021 12:09:49
jmginer Latest Reply
tcMenu Designer UI Designer on Mac -- U8G2 issue
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24 01/06/2021 23:39:16
288173 08/06/2021 17:48:08
davetcc Latest Reply
Any other library discussions Switches 5 23/02/2019 16:33:08
286688 28/11/2020 09:41:48
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Remote API Blynk 4 27/04/2019 18:04:35
277387 30/04/2019 17:05:45
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Encoder - 40 detents, 20 pulses.
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21 22/05/2021 01:48:36
275845 06/08/2021 08:15:23
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Designer UI Is there a package of TcMenu designer for Linux 4 29/01/2019 05:25:38
273821 01/03/2021 18:15:53
davetcc Latest Reply
General website discussion Welcome to TheCodersCorner forum 2 19/01/2019 09:25:02
272402 02/08/2020 07:54:35
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Jog 10 02/05/2019 20:29:56
239073 17/09/2021 01:07:59
patebeng Latest Reply
tcMenu Designer UI menu name bug 10 08/05/2019 18:09:52
226711 03/07/2019 08:25:47
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Help with using 11 29/11/2019 00:46:26
225975 31/03/2020 12:46:18
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library menuMgr 7 29/04/2019 17:30:30
225030 08/05/2019 21:19:32
davetcc Latest Reply
IoAbstraction & TaskManagerIO How to setup two AnalogJoystickEncoders? 7 19/01/2020 23:37:51
223430 17/09/2021 01:13:49
patebeng Latest Reply
IoAbstraction & TaskManagerIO Using 10 or more rotary encoders
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15 29/12/2020 17:48:14
217584 29/11/2022 08:57:40
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Designer UI Error with NodeMCU : 'class Stream' has no member named 'availableForWrite' 9 04/10/2019 06:11:32
215153 04/10/2019 17:28:44
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library How to Use the ListRuntimeMenuItem 6 30/07/2019 07:17:41
212216 01/08/2019 13:48:57
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library [Back] menu item 5 30/04/2019 22:30:48
211597 08/05/2019 21:20:29
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Compile Error - probably missing something basic 5 23/08/2019 14:04:37
210015 24/09/2020 09:38:07
Admin Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Multilanguage menu 1 24/10/2019 08:46:24
Pavel Bara
207330 26/10/2019 07:44:57
davetcc Latest Reply
IoAbstraction & TaskManagerIO Suitable for my project 9 26/03/2020 17:03:16
206833 24/05/2020 15:47:55
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Multiple display instances. 3 02/12/2019 11:51:59
206136 11/12/2019 15:18:17
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library is it possible to use also use the encoder in a task being executed? 6 08/06/2020 00:40:55
205948 17/09/2021 01:05:14
patebeng Latest Reply
Any other library discussions Test forum 0 09/03/2019 14:17:35
205679 09/03/2019 14:17:35
test_user Latest Reply
IoAbstraction & TaskManagerIO How to increase the number of tasks or number of switches 9 20/01/2019 07:35:14
205577 17/12/2020 18:00:24
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Disable / hide menu item. 4 26/12/2019 09:49:44
204320 04/05/2020 16:28:42
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Designer UI Field names different to Display Name 5 07/08/2019 05:56:55
204005 19/08/2019 01:11:35
millab Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Using touch pad sensors
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16 30/01/2021 08:22:49
203775 01/03/2021 10:40:32
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library IoAbstraction - dual Encoder 4 21/07/2019 22:53:25
201794 24/07/2019 12:09:32
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library When using an LCD display I have noticed that the display is blank 2 02/03/2019 10:12:12
201698 03/03/2019 09:18:11
Admin Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Nothing is displayed 3 16/04/2019 23:40:33
200373 17/04/2019 17:22:25
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library STM32 based boards 4 03/02/2020 09:52:09
200147 03/02/2020 11:10:44
rtully Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Displaying Clock and Date in 16x2 display 2 27/01/2020 18:57:47
199062 03/02/2020 18:27:32
erhanzeyrek Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Whitespace character for text input 3 07/08/2019 05:48:04
198863 18/08/2019 18:56:57
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library When using with Adafruit SSD1306 library display is blank 2 11/06/2019 06:48:17
198655 26/06/2019 10:15:51
lowcostwebhostings Latest Reply
tcMenu Designer UI tcmenuAdaFruitGfx.cpp code not using all menu lines - possible fix 1 10/10/2019 09:47:00
198209 10/10/2019 12:08:13
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library compiling error menu cpp 3 10/01/2020 17:54:20
197611 14/01/2020 08:58:17
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Securing Submenus with EEPROM 8 31/03/2020 15:25:06
197464 01/04/2020 08:37:17
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Rotary Encoder strange behavior 5 01/04/2020 09:22:41
196610 07/04/2020 10:23:31
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library How to update variable values from menu items? getCurrentValue? 6 23/05/2020 11:18:36
195930 13/07/2020 22:18:24
shed Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Storing Data in EEPROM 1 06/10/2019 02:23:23
195625 06/10/2019 19:37:40
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Auto-Save Values on Callback 6 30/03/2020 03:34:08
194284 30/03/2020 21:23:54
jonboy545 Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library menuItems with changeble Names / const anymenuinfo 4 16/04/2020 13:13:15
194260 27/04/2020 13:53:38
bitz Latest Reply
tcMenu Designer UI Is there a 32 bit version of the TcMenu UI for Windows. 2 29/01/2019 05:04:24
194241 15/02/2021 20:05:09
davetcc Latest Reply
Library Releases and Announcements IoAbstraction 1.x Notifications 4 20/01/2019 07:43:44
193833 22/04/2019 21:33:37
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Two Button Menu 5 17/07/2020 01:30:13
193235 19/07/2020 09:17:47
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Early preview of differences in tcMenu 2.0 11 31/01/2021 16:57:04
191844 29/03/2021 11:51:34
davetcc Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Dialog Box - Having issues calling function 4 06/04/2020 20:17:54
191093 07/04/2020 14:27:24
davetcc Latest Reply
IoAbstraction & TaskManagerIO Can't schedule more then aprox. 2min ahead with taskManager 6 21/02/2019 21:18:30
179224 26/02/2019 18:44:34
Dan Latest Reply
tcMenu Arduinio library Compilation Error 8 25/10/2020 21:21:12
Andrews Branco
170290 29/10/2020 11:19:54
davetcc Latest Reply
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