Hi there, yes within reason you can manage the menu in any way that you wish.
Basically you could set the input facilities to none, or custom input in the designer and then implement the input by just using two switches. Switches is a core part of the libraries that make up tcMenu and handles buttons with event callbacks. Take a look at the button / switch examples in
Once you've got two switches working, you can decide what function of the button (press, long press, repeat etc) causes which function.
For this, you'll interact with menuMgr, the object that is in control of the menu. I would implement RotaryEncoder in a way that it works for one button, as you described above, in the base class, there is a maximum value and a current value, you would essentially just implement it to go up every time the button is pressed and then wrap. You could even make it so it can go up and down, but for example, down has to be held down to work as down, where a short press is select. Take a look at the UpDownEncoderButtons class in
https://github.com/davetcc/IoAbstraction/blob/master/src/SwitchInput.cpp as a starting point for that.
What I'd do is start with a sketch that uses the standard 3 button arrangement, and then understand how it's configured in <projectName>_menu.cpp/h in your project, this will give you an idea how to implement and set up your own facilities. Never add any code in the <projectName>_menu files, as they are overwritten every cycle.