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Is there a 32 bit version of the TcMenu UI for Windows. RSS feed
Forum Index » tcMenu Designer UI
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Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 11
Copied from user email:
Is there a 32 bit version of the tcMenu designer for Windows? When I start it I get an error indicating the binary is not 32 bit, and I currently have a 32 bit install.

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Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 11
Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to easily provide a 32 bit version of the UI for Windows x86.

The designer UI is written using JavaFX. Although there is (just about) a 32 bit build of Java 11, there is no such build of JavaFX. I've built the UI as 32 bit on windows for as long as possible because

1. There was no real reason not to, it did not need much RAM.
2. I dont like leaving anyone without an option.

However, without starting to build apps on an old no longer supported (or even downloadable) compiler and runtime chain it's not possible.

So sorry, it's just not viable to build it for Intel-x86-32 bit. I have looked around and options just don't exist at the present time.

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Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Going back through old threads, with the new UWP store version, it is compatible with Win32, Win64 and also ARM. The store picks the right image.

As we announced a few months back, this is part of our new plan, providing the facilities you need to build embedded applications wherever you want to build and run them. This is another small step that will hopefully reduce the hassle for many users.
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