Yes sir! Worked fantastically.
Trying to write a password manager function, for changing password. Please keep in mind I have limited knowledge, so I'm learning as I go.
I'm trying to figure out how the password is stored in memory. I did an eeprom dump. My password starts at address 50, and I get this:
Memory Address: 50 50
Memory Address: 51 155
Memory Address: 52 0
Memory Address: 53 255
Memory Address: 54 255
Memory Address: 55 255
Memory Address: 56 255
Memory Address: 57 255
Memory Address: 58 255
Memory Address: 59 255
Memory Address: 60 255
Memory Address: 61 255
Memory Address: 62 255
Memory Address: 63 255
Memory Address: 64 255
Memory Address: 65 255
Memory Address: 66 255
Memory Address: 67 255
Memory Address: 68 0
Now I'm not sure if address 68 is something I've done in the past, or if that's the end of the memory needed for eeprom authentication manager.
Trying my hardest not to just ask everytime I have a question. Tried converting "1234" into hex, binary, etc and I'm not seeing the connection to 50 155 0.
Feel free to overlook, but if you want some cringe from a newbie, here's my sketch... Not anywhere done yet, not much free time. I'm sure there's.... quite alot.... that could use improvement/optimizing but hey... it's working so far.
Thank you again for a wonderful app/library/foundation. Looking forward to trying the new designerUI!
#include "Control_Board_Test_1_menu.h"
#include <EepromAbstraction.h>
#include <ArduinoEEPROMAbstraction.h>
AvrEeprom eeprom;
EepromAuthenticatorManager eepromAuth;
const unsigned int authRomStart = 50; // Start locatin for eeprom authentication manager
// **** Callback Global Variables ****
// Inputs
const int flowMeter1 = 40; // For water flow, not used yet
const int thermistor1 = A0; // Honeywell 10K thermistor
const int thermistor2 = A1; // Honeywell 10k thermistor
const int pressureSensor1 = A2; // 0-16 bar. 5V supply. 10%min 90%max
const int pressureSensor2 = A3; // 0-16 bar. 5V supply. 10%min 90%max
const int dispenseButton = 35; // For automatic dosing, not used yet
// Outputs
const int heater1 = 50; // SSR output for service boiler
const int heater2 = 51; // SSR output for coffee boiler
const int group1Solenoid = 52; // Dispense solenoid relay, not used yet
const int fillSolenoid = 53; // Service boiler fill relay, not used yet
bool serialEnableOut;
// **** Thermistor & Temperature Setup ****
int Vo1, Vo2;
int pullup1 = 10000;
int pullup2 = 10000;
float logR2_1, logR2_2, R2_1, R2_2, serviceBoilerTemp, coffeeBoilerTemp;
float c1_1 = 1.009249522e-03, c2_1 = 2.378405444e-04, c3_1 = 2.019202697e-07;
float c1_2 = 1.009249522e-03, c2_2 = 2.378405444e-04, c3_2 = 2.019202697e-07;
// **** Delay Variables Setup ****
unsigned long now, now2 = millis();
long lastMeasure, lastMeasure2 = 0;
// **** Flow Meter Setup ****
int count1; // Flowwmeter impulses
float flowRate1; // Flow-rate calculation
// **** Pressure Sensor Variables
int boilerPressureRaw; // Raw ADC value of pressure sensor
float boilerPressure; // Converted pressure in bar
int coffeePressureRaw;
float coffeePressure;
float maxServiceBoilerPressure = 2.0;
float maxGroupPressure = 15.0;
// **** Brew Parameter Setup ****
float preinfuseSec; // Time to dispense without engaging pump, not used yet
int impulse1, impulse2; // Dosing impulses, not used yet
int boilerTempCalibration; // Change relative value of pullup resistor for calibrating thermistor
int coffeeTempCalibration; // Change relative value of pullup resistor for calibrating thermistor
int serviceBoilerSetTemp; // User programmable temperature of service boiler
float coffeeBoilerSetTemp; // User programmable temperature of coffee boiler/group head
// **** 4 Digit 7 Segment LED Screen Setup ****
#include "SevenSegmentTM1637.h"
#include "SevenSegmentExtended.h"
const byte PIN_CLK = 32; // TM1637 CLK pin
const byte PIN_DIO = 33; // TM1637 DIO pin
SevenSegmentTM1637 display(PIN_CLK, PIN_DIO);
int ledBrightness; // User programmable brightness of LED screen
// **** Serial Debugging and EEPROM Dump ****
int address;
int addressMax = 100; // Number of memory addresses to dump starting at 0
byte value;
int readSerialOutSpeed; // For enable serial debugging, set message rate
int serialOutSpeed; // For enable serial debugging, set message rate
void setup() {
// EEPROM Authentication
eepromAuth.initialise(&eeprom, authRomStart);
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettings.setSecured(true); // Secure "Technician Settings" sub-menu
menuMgr.load(eeprom); // Load default EEPROM values
// Setup Inputs/Outputs
pinMode(heater1, OUTPUT); // Service Boiler SSR
pinMode(heater2, OUTPUT); // Coffee Boiler/Group Head SSR
pinMode(group1Solenoid, OUTPUT); // Dispense Solenoid Relay
pinMode(fillSolenoid, OUTPUT); // Service Boiler Relay
pinMode(flowMeter1, INPUT); // Flowmeter Input
pinMode(dispenseButton, INPUT); // Dispense Request Button
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Turn stupid onboard LED off!
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Turn stupid onboard LED off!
// Ensure all outputs are off on boot
digitalWrite(heater1, LOW);
digitalWrite(heater2, LOW);
digitalWrite(group1Solenoid, LOW);
digitalWrite(fillSolenoid, LOW);
// Flowmeter Interrupt, not used yet
//attachInterrupt(0, flow1, CHANGE);
display.begin(); //Start TM1637 LED Display
// Display welcome on LED display.
//display.print(" WELCOME ");
// Bootup Serial Output
Serial.println(F("Input Pins:"));
Serial.print(F("Flow Meter 1: Pin "));
Serial.print(F("Steam Boiler Thermistor: Pin "));
Serial.print(F("Coffee Boiler Thermistor: Pin "));
Serial.print(F("Steam Boiler Pressure Sensor: Pin "));
Serial.print(F("Coffee Boiler/Group Pressure Sensor: Pin "));
Serial.println(F("Output Pins:"));
Serial.print(F("Fill Solenoid: Pin "));
Serial.print(F("Group 1 Solenoid: Pin "));
Serial.print(F("Boiler Heater 1: Pin "));
Serial.print(F("Boiler Heater 2: Pin "));
Serial.println(F("Enable Serial Debugging in Configuration/Technician Settings menu for input/output data"));
float mapFloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
// **** MENU CALLBACKS ****
void flow1() { // Count flow-meter pulses, not used yet
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION preinfuseTime(int id) { // Update pre-infuse time, not used yet
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION ledScreenBrightness(int id) { // Change TM1637 LED Screen Brightness
ledBrightness = menuConfigurationDisplaySettingsLEDBrightness.getCurrentValue();
ledBrightness = map(ledBrightness, 0, 5, 10, 70); // User selectable brightness of 0-5 scaled to 10%-70%
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION lcdBrightness(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION heater1Test(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION ledScreenEnable(int id) {
bool ledEnable = menuConfigurationDisplaySettingsEnableLEDDisp.getBoolean();
if (ledEnable == true) {
else {
display.setBacklight(0); // "Turn Off" LED screen by changing brightness to 0%
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION groupSolenoidTest(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION lcdContrast(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION heater2Test(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION preinfuseEnable(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION boilerTempAdjust(int id) {
boilerTempCalibration = menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsCalibrateSensorsBoilerTempAdjustCalibrationValue.getCurrentValue();
pullup1 = map(boilerTempCalibration, 0, 10, 9000, 11000);
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsCalibrateSensorsBoilerTempAdjustBoilerTemp.setFloatValue(serviceBoilerTemp, true);
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION coffeeTempAdjust(int id) {
coffeeTempCalibration = menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsCalibrateSensorsGroupTempAdjustCalibrationValue.getCurrentValue();
pullup2 = map(coffeeTempCalibration, 0, 10, 9000, 11000);
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsCalibrateSensorsGroupTempAdjustGroupTemp.setFloatValue(coffeeBoilerTemp, true);
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION setBoilerTemp(int id) {
serviceBoilerSetTemp = menuConfigurationMachineSettingsServiceBoiler.getCurrentValue();
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION setCoffeeBoilerTemp(int id) {
coffeeBoilerSetTemp = menuConfigurationMachineSettingsCoffeeBoiler.getCurrentValue();
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION saveSettings(int id) {;
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION pressureProfile2(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION pressureProfile3(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION pressureProfile1(int id) {
// TODO - your menu change code
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION serialEnable(int id) {
serialEnableOut = menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsSerialDebuggingSerialOutput.getCurrentValue();
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION serialSpeed(int id) {
readSerialOutSpeed = menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsSerialDebuggingOutputSpeed.getCurrentValue();
serialOutSpeed = map(readSerialOutSpeed, 0, 5, 5000, 1000);
// **** END CALLBACKS ****
// **** Serial Debug Output ****
void serialOutput() {
Serial.print(F("Steam Boiler Set Temp:............... "));
Serial.print(F("Boiler Temperature:.................. "));
Serial.print(F("Boiler Heat On/Off:.................. "));
if (serviceBoilerTemp <= serviceBoilerSetTemp) {
else {
Serial.print(F("Coffee Boiler Set Temp:.............. "));
Serial.print(F("Coffee Boiler Temp:.................. "));
Serial.print(F("Coffee Heat On/Off:.................. "));
if (coffeeBoilerTemp <= coffeeBoilerSetTemp) {
else {
Serial.print(F("Boiler Pressure Raw Value:........... "));
Serial.print(F("Boiler Pressure BAR:................. "));
Serial.println(boilerPressure, 2);
Serial.print(F("Coffee Pressure Raw Value:........... "));
Serial.print(F("Coffee Pressure BAR:................. "));
Serial.println(coffeePressure, 2);
void CALLBACK_FUNCTION dumpEeprom(int id) {
Serial.println(F("Memory allocation as follows:"));
Serial.println(F("0-1 Fixed"));
Serial.println(F("2-3 LCD Brightness"));
Serial.println(F("4-5 LCD Contrast"));
Serial.println(F("6-6 Serial Output Enabled"));
Serial.println(F("7-8 Serial Output Speed"));
Serial.println(F("9-10 LED Brightness"));
Serial.println(F("11-12 Preinfuse Time"));
Serial.println(F("13-13 Preinfuse Enable"));
Serial.println(F("14-15 Service Boiler Temp Calibration Value"));
Serial.println(F("16-17 Service Boiler Set Temp"));
Serial.println(F("18-18 Enable LED Display"));
Serial.println(F("20-21 Coffee Boiler Temp Calibration Value"));
Serial.println(F("22-23 Coffee Boiler Set Temp"));
Serial.println(F("24-25 Dose 1"));
Serial.println(F("26-27 Dose 2"));
Serial.println(F("50-68 Password Auth"));
Serial.print(F("Dumping first "));
Serial.println(F(" locations in memory"));
for (address = 0; address <= addressMax; address++) {
value =;
Serial.print(F("Memory Address: "));
Serial.print(value, DEC);
Serial.println(F("Memory Dump Complete"));
// **** Main LOOP ****
void loop() {
// **** Pressure Reading ASAP ****
// Service/Steam Boiler
boilerPressureRaw = analogRead(pressureSensor1);
boilerPressure = mapFloat(boilerPressureRaw, 0.0, 1023.0, 0.0, 3.0);
menuBoilerPres.setCurrentValue((boilerPressure * 10), true);
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsInputTestsBoilerPres.setCurrentValue((boilerPressure * 10), true);
// Group/Coffee Boiler
coffeePressureRaw = analogRead(pressureSensor2);
coffeePressure = mapFloat(coffeePressureRaw, 00.0, 1023.0, 0.0, 16.5);
menuGroupPres.setCurrentValue((coffeePressure * 10), true);
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsInputTestsGroupPres.setCurrentValue((coffeePressure * 10), true);
// **** Thermistor Reading Every 1 Second ****
now = millis();
if (now - lastMeasure > 1000) { // Only take temp reading ever XX seconds
lastMeasure = now;
Vo1 = analogRead(thermistor1);
Vo2 = analogRead(thermistor2);
R2_1 = pullup1 * (1023.0 / (float)Vo1 - 1.0);
R2_2 = pullup2 * (1023.0 / (float)Vo2 - 1.0);
logR2_1 = log(R2_1);
logR2_2 = log(R2_2);
serviceBoilerTemp = (1.0 / (c1_1 + c2_1*logR2_1 + c3_1*logR2_1*logR2_1*logR2_1));
coffeeBoilerTemp = (1.0 / (c1_2 + c2_2*logR2_2 + c3_2*logR2_2*logR2_2*logR2_2));
serviceBoilerTemp = serviceBoilerTemp - 273.15;
coffeeBoilerTemp = coffeeBoilerTemp - 273.15;
serviceBoilerTemp = (serviceBoilerTemp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0;
coffeeBoilerTemp = (coffeeBoilerTemp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0;
// **** Update Menu Screens with temp values ****
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsCalibrateSensorsBoilerTempAdjustBoilerTemp.setFloatValue(serviceBoilerTemp, true); // Updates menu data on temp calibration screen
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsCalibrateSensorsGroupTempAdjustGroupTemp.setFloatValue(coffeeBoilerTemp, true); // Updates menu data on temp calibration screen
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsInputTestsGroupBoiler.setCurrentValue((coffeeBoilerTemp * 10), true); // Updates Input Test Screen with Temp
menuConfigurationTechnicianSettingsInputTestsServBoiler.setCurrentValue((serviceBoilerTemp * 10), true); // Updates Input Test Screen with Temp
// Update LED Screen with temperatres, just for testing will find other purpose later
display.setCursor(0, 0);
display.print(serviceBoilerTemp, 0);
display.setCursor(0, 2);
display.print(coffeeBoilerTemp, 0);
// **** Constant Loop Checks ****
// Control Heaters
if (boilerPressure > maxServiceBoilerPressure) { // Safety check - Disable Steam Boiler if above max pressure;
digitalWrite(heater1, LOW);
else {
// To be replaced by a PID loop eventually...
if (serviceBoilerTemp <= (serviceBoilerSetTemp - 1)) { // Turn on steam boiler SSR if temp is less than set temp
digitalWrite(heater1, HIGH);
else if(serviceBoilerTemp >= (serviceBoilerSetTemp + 1)){
digitalWrite(heater1, LOW);
if (coffeePressure > maxGroupPressure) { // Safety check - Disable Coffee Boiler if above 14 bar
digitalWrite(heater2, LOW);
else {
// To be replaced by a PID loop...
if (coffeeBoilerTemp <= (coffeeBoilerSetTemp - 1)) { // Turn on coffee boiler SSR if temp is less than set temp
digitalWrite(heater2, HIGH);
else if(coffeeBoilerTemp >= (coffeeBoilerSetTemp + 1)) {
digitalWrite(heater2, LOW);
// **** Serial Output - Speed controlled by config setting
now2 = millis();
if (now2 - lastMeasure2 > serialOutSpeed) {
lastMeasure2 = now2;
while (serialEnableOut == true) {
// **** END LOOP ****