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tcMenu 1.x releases RSS feed
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Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
The good news is that I've finally got the packager working for JavaFX 11. I can now prepare a release in the next couple of days.

The improvements in the next release will be:

* Much improved validation of items
* Greater degree of confidence in generated code because of testing
* Library updater now built in
* Smaller all round thanks to Java Fx packaging on the desktop and smaller embedded code.
* Upgraded IoAbstraction and LiquidCrystalIO

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Update: TcMenu 1.1 should be out any day now. Most of the packaging problems have been solved.

We are going through final testing before releasing it.

It will be a very significant update from 1.0


Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 11
tcMenu 1.1 is now released.


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Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
TcMenu 1.2 is coming soon. It will be a significant departure from the old hardwired code generator. The new generator is far less language dependent and it will be possible to tailor code to environments much easier. I consider core code generation pretty much complete now.

In addition to this it uses IoAbstraction 1.4 so will also include the long awaited acceleration both on rotary encoders and also on switches.

Now all code plugins such as input, remote and display capabilities are loaded from plugins meaning it is much easier to provide new devices going forward.

There will be a small hit for existing users but upgrading should take less than a few minutes.

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
I’ve finally got a sketch that recreates a bug in lcd rendering I’ve been trying to track down for a long time. The problem has been fixed.

As a result, the branch that work was taking place of has now been merged back into master.

In addition, an unexpected extra is that I've also got in the program memory optionality such that compilation now works on ESP boards. I have not run a menu on ESP yet, but it does compile.

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
TcMenu 1.2 is now released. It has a new code generator, the first pass at acceleration, DFRobot support and improvements in task management amongst other fixes.

Read carefully though the release notes for this if you’re coming from 1.1.

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
TcMenu 1.3 has been released. Huge improvements in support for Adafruit_GFX based displays, better remote capabilities including support for UipEthernet, ships with a basic remote control application and other minor improvements.

Joined: Nov 26, 2019
Messages: 3
Hi Dave,
Do you have any plans to make tcMenu available for Particle devices?


Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Hi there I’ve not looked at particle devices. Please could you provide a link. There is a plan for mbed and ST boards.

Joined: Nov 26, 2019
Messages: 3
This is Arduino compatible IoT device.

These are datasheets for devices
My particular interest is for Argon and Xenon as they both have WIFI and can use same libraries. Photon is outdated. Boron and Electron are cellular.


Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Thanks for providing that, I’ll take a look at it and get back to you.

If they can run the Arduino flavour of wiring then there should not be much work to support it. Also, the WiFi driver may be quite similar to the ESP one making the the remote capabilities available too.

Joined: Apr 1, 2020
Messages: 5

Do you plan to release the new version soon? I can't wait to test it smilie


Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Hi there,

Yes, we plan to release it very soon! We are just doing a final fix and more testing of a new version of the designer on Windows, a complete re-write of the original that's way easier to release and support. Designer for MacOS is nearing the end of development.

In terms of the embedded libraries:

They are already available on the master branch, you could test them now.

In terms of the designer UI:

The windows version is probably a week or two away. The mac version is a little behind. Once released, both of these will be hosted in the Windows / Mac app stores. They will be native apps on each platform written using UWP for Windows, Xamarin.mac for MacOS. The embedded libraries will be installed from Arduino's library manager instead of by the App starting in 1.4.

The original Java UI will be built one last time for users of Windows 7, we'll keep that viable for at least another 12 months.

In terms of embedCONTROL remote control UI

This will be released for Windows / Xbox around the same time as the designer. It will be available via the Windows Store. The original example control UI will remain for users of Windows 7.
Following this will be Apple devices, a simple design of the remote control will be written for MacOS first, followed immediately by one for iPhone and iPad.
Android timeframes are yet to be determined.

Joined: Nov 26, 2019
Messages: 3
Hi Dave,
Do you plan to add Particle support (as I requested before in this thread) to this release?
I would really appreciate if it is included. I am sure there will be many users for it.


Joined: Apr 1, 2020
Messages: 5
Thank you very much for the new release, and congratulations again for your incredible work.
(more than the SSD1306Ascii library smilie maybe I'll see if I can use it as a custom driver)
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