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Multilanguage menu RSS feed
Forum Index » tcMenu Arduinio library
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Pavel Bara

Joined: Oct 24, 2019
Messages: 1
Hello, is there some way how to make multi language menu.
I would like to have three language in my project.

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Hi there,

Automated multi-language menus are on the list of things to do, but I'll be honest with you, we need to prioritize it against getting the form designer and remote controller fully working with limited resources. At the moment it would be quite a manual process to create a multi-lingual menu. However, I do completely agree that the form designer should be able to do this near automatically.

The form designer needs a re-write anyway. We originally picked JavaFX as the language for the designer, but it's just not really viable to continue with it, we've struggled with packaging for over a year now and am almost afraid to move from Java 11 in case it breaks something else. We already have the API and a prototype of the remote controller working in C# / Xamarin and the plan is to port the designer to Xamarin Forms. During this we'll probably also put in the multi-language support.

At some point, we'll have to branch off the ATMEGA-328 support and leave that frozen in time, it's holding back all the other platforms because of the very limited capabilities, I can't really see the need to use that device either commercially or in a hobby design.

I was thinking that there would be a "locale" on
and the option to provide alternative text for each locale with say the EN locale being the default. We'd then create a sorted ID translation table for each locale with binary tree look-up. In the case of runtime items, you'd get the current locale from the
object when setting the name and value in your code. Any ideas you have on how you think it should work would be helpful in the requirements process.

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