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TcMenu and MQTT RSS feed
Forum Index » tcMenu Remote API
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Joined: Nov 14, 2022
Messages: 2
Hi Dave,

Been working with TcMenu and wanted to know your plans and thoughts on implementing MQTT for remote control? My interest is strictly with ESP32 and 8266.

I've got the wifioled example running with encoder and it is works very well. My issue is that i need to communicate with remote nodes who run servos. It's all coordinated through nodered via mqtt messaging.

i'm not sure of the right way to even think about adding MQTT capability as you have already tackled so much such as the wifi, tagval protocol, connection handling, remote menu items and so on.

Please let me know your thoughts on how this might best fit into TcMenu.



Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
I imagine it would be relatively [edit] trivial to integrate Tc menu with MQTT. There is a longer term plan to try and build plugins for third party IoT solutions that are supported out the box

But even without that there are people out there that have integrated libraries themselves. All the building blocks are there.

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Sorry busy week this week. In terms of the how.

You’d probably start a task manager task that watches for items being updated and sends to your endpoint. You can use the menu item remote change flags to determine that. Take a look at MenuItem.h in the library.

For incoming state changes you’d just change the value of the menu item. You can determine the item then apply the change. All the value setters have an optional silent flag that prevents the callback if needed.

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
Simplest example to look at for this would probably be the simhub example packaged with the library.

Joined: Nov 14, 2022
Messages: 2

Thank you very much for the insights. I will take a look at the simhub example.

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