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tcMenu 2.x releases RSS feed
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Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
TcMenu 2.3 both library and UI have been released today. There are several major steps forward in this version.

Firstly, it has preview support for embedded Java on Raspberry PI. It can automatically build a UI that can then be highly customized. This support is in preview.

EmbedCONTROL has gone through a heavy refactor, and clean up. We'll continue to clean up and improve it, but the heaviest of the work is done.

Menu In Menu can be used on Java boards, allowing an embedded java device to embed many remote menus within a single device.

Many bugs have been fixed, libraries upgraded, and usability improvements applied.


Make sure to update IoAbstraction and tcMenu libraries in your Arduino IDE at the same time!

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
TcMenu 2.4.0 has just been released, both the designer UI and the library. This version of the menu library contains a bit of restructuring to make for easier support going forward, and as such needs both designer and library to at version 2.4.

Make sure when you're ready to upgrade both the designer UI and library are upgraded at the same time.

However, if you want to continue with tcMenu 2.3 library for now, keep using the 2.3 version of the designer until ready to switch over.

The library has been submitted to both platformIO and Arduino library managers, you can get the 2.4 UI release from github where it's available and tested for most platforms:

Windows with extended validation certificate
macOS as a Notarized disk image
Linux as a debian package


Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
TcMenu 2.5.0 was released recently:

Make sure when you're ready to upgrade both the designer UI and library are upgraded at the same time. Otherwise, stay on 2.4 until ready.

The main improvements are:

Now builds for any RPI Pico core, Due and Uno Wifi R2.
Initial values are supported on nearly all types now.
Fixes to the priority of rendering to ensure dialogs always take precedence.
Starting to put low-power support into the display logic.
Fixes to how active items are handled to ensure that only one item is active at once, and the right one initially.
Cursor support has been fixed up to ensure the font used is correct.
Improvement in example arrangement.

As usual, available from https://github.com/davetcc/tcMenu/releases
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