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Forum Index » tcMenu Arduinio library
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Joined: Mar 3, 2022
Messages: 6
Hi Dave,

I have not found any documentation about how to setup the "ESP Webserver browser based app".
I have added on the TcMenu, generated the project files but required some files, so I figured there is a dependency: ESPAsyncWebServer needed. I need to install but there more options:
and others..

Ok I tried the first option but another issue: 'identifier "ESP_LOGI" is undefined'
The tcMenuEspAsyncWebServer.cpp file uses, but I have no clue what I need to import now.

Thanks, Akos

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
At the moment (April 2022) the ESP webserver plugin is experimental, I think it is marked experimental in the designer too. It has only been tested on ESP32 so far. That function is a logging function that is available on ESP32.

In short, it is a cut-down version of the embedCONTROL application that can run in a web browser and allows remote control of nearly all item types without any installation. It's pretty good and handles the vast majority of what the desktop version can do. It works by serving up a React.JS application that implements the same protocol as the Java API. It will take us a bit of time to ensure this is fully stable though, at the moment it infrequently triggers the ESP watchdog.

It will take another two or three releases to stabilize and fully document it.

If you want to try it now it'd be best to use an ESP32, build the menu onto the device, and then the page would be available in your browser on the IP address of your device. Just bear in mind when using it that it is an experimental developer build!

Joined: Mar 3, 2022
Messages: 6
Thanks for the info.

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
BTW - any other feedback you have on the webserver version would be really useful as it's still an experimental plugin at the moment. So I'm trying to determine stability and usefulness.

Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
The good news for everyone is that I am in the middle of implementing enough of a webserver to handle serving the react app, it is in progress and maybe a month or two away from production. But once it goes in, the tests so far on an STM32 board show that it is extremely lightweight and very fast, it does not block other tasks from running and should run on any board with a known network adapter and room to store the files.

I know this doesn't help people struggling with the current support right now, but this one needed me to take a step back before proceeding.
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