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tcMenu Arduinio library » 'serdebugF2' was not declared in this scope

Author: kirb
12/02/2022 13:00:25
Trying to get my head around what's going on here.

I'm trying to run a very simply two option menu with a rotary encoder attached.
ESP32 TTGO LoRa V2.1 board.
I just cannot get the compiler past this error:

'serdebugF2' was not declared in this scope
serdebugF2("Did not find adc setting for ", pin);

Connected Encoder to GPIO 2,4,15 (Not using SD card slot)
OLED is on SDA 21, SCL 22 and RST 16

Anyone have any idea what might be happening.
VSC + PlatformIO on a Mac running Catalina.

Sacked off VSC&PIO and tried running it in Arduino IDE.
Same problem - however, in there I downgraded the IOAbstraction from v2.1.0 to 2.0.6 and it now compiles.
However, I did need to change my encoder pin assignment as the original config would not allow for upload. (Pin 2 had a pull up resistor on it! lol)

Would still like to get to the bottom of it not working in VSC, and if there's an update to IOAbs? Or am I doing something wrong?

Author: davetcc
13/02/2022 17:16:15
What happened is that SimpleCollections.cpp and .h got moved into their own project as they were very useful outside of IoAbstraction. However, there was an unintended side effect of this that I've fixed today, that was that it used to bring in IoLogging.h

I've done a patch release of tcMenu today that should fix this, I'm going through patch releasing all the libraries now to ensure they are all up-to-date in platformIO and Arduino library manager.

Hopefully within a few hours 2.2.6 of tcMenu lib will turn up in all places and fix the problem ( I think it's already in platformio now ).

Author: davetcc
13/02/2022 17:30:18
Just finished doing a patch release for all the main libraries to ensure that what I've been testing with recently is released. Unfortunately, this patch release got caught in another change, that for now I have rolled back so I could make this patch release.

IoAbstraction - 2.1.1
TaskManagerIO - 1.3.1
tcMenu - 2.2.6
SimpleCollections - 1.1.0

With these versions everything should work together again. Sorry, this should really have been fixed a lot quicker.

Author: kirb
15/02/2022 18:32:44
Yep - that fixed the problem - and compiles in VSCode now too.


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