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tcMenu 2.1 releases RSS feed
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Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
tcMenu is 2.1 is released and generally available.

It has major improvements over previous versions including:

* A single unified UI that works across all platforms based on the original UI brought up to the same functionality as the App store UIs.
* Theme based UIs that can be easily configured within designer.
* Support for more hardware including touch screens and touch buttons.
* Display Plugins for TFT_eSPI and LTDC.

The unified designer runs on all desktop platforms. We just cannot continue to support the wide range of designers that we have now. The designer is a very complex UI with a lot of business logic in the code generator, we just cannot support three code bases for this. Moving to a single UI was an absolute must for the project to be able to continue quite honestly. On top of this many people did not like acquiring from the App Store. Instead, we have gone to Extended Validation installer for Windows, Notarization for the mac, and a deb package for Linux.

Please strongly consider donating a little towards the development and maintenance of this solution, it costs us a lot of money to keep this product going and even a small one-off contribution helps. https://github.com/sponsors/davetcc

On that note: As of this release, the Windows App Store and Mac App Store versions are no longer available for new users. As of the 2.2 release they will become unsupported. We strongly recommend you move to the 2.1 unified UI and report any issues.

As of 2.x all designer releases are on our github page: https://github.com/davetcc/tcMenu/releases
[Thumb - theme-cool-blue-modern.jpg]
 Filename theme-cool-blue-modern.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description No description given
 Filesize 25 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  41836 time(s)

[Thumb - linux-java-ui-code-generator-screen.png]
 Filename linux-java-ui-code-generator-screen.png [Disk] Download
 Description No description given
 Filesize 206 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  1522 time(s)


Joined: Jan 19, 2019
Messages: 686
TcMenu 2.1 continues to be the main release. However, TcMenu 2.2 BETA release is available for early adopters.

There is a beta release of 2.2 that you can use for testing. It has a few improvements over 2.1

* The ability to add more that one remote / IoT endpoint.
* The ability to add EEPROM and Authentication (pin and remote) directly from designer
* The ability to configure basic IoExpanders (IoAbstractionRef) directly from the UI (in the next BETA)
* UI and Library bugfixes
* A new fresher look
* embedCONTROL desktop now released in cycle with designer.

[Thumb - design-menu-for-arduino.jpg]
 Filename design-menu-for-arduino.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description No description given
 Filesize 70 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  42255 time(s)

[Thumb - generate-code-for-your-platform.jpg]
 Filename generate-code-for-your-platform.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description No description given
 Filesize 136 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  41990 time(s)

[Thumb - theme-oled-bordered.jpg]
 Filename theme-oled-bordered.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description No description given
 Filesize 54 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  42251 time(s)

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