Hi there, thanks for posting the message.
We'll probably not write a custom driver for blynk just at the moment, as we are presently working on our own desktop and mobile apps, home automation integration, and integration with third-party IoT internet-based control systems.
The first iteration of this is already available (although currently very basic) as the tcMenu Controller desktop
https://www.thecoderscorner.com/products/arduino-libraries/tc-menu/tcmenu-remote-connection-arduino-desktop/ that can be installed alongside the designer application. You just either include either serial or network-based control into your design using the code generator. See the colorTftEthernet32 and remoteControlSerial examples. I've tested serial and network capabilities extensively using both 8 bit and 32 bit boards, further, it can be used with WIZNET (Ethenet2) and ENC28J60 (UipEthernet). I'm actually in the process of getting it working on ESP8266 boards now.
Further, there is a fully open source Java API that you can use yourself to control a tcMenu board.
However, to use this library with tcMenu should be simple enough, you'd just wire whatever notification you get on an item changing into the menu item. For example, lets say we got a notification from this library to method onNetworkChange() and we had a menu called menuMyBool and a global variable that has been updated called globalBoolValue:
// example of call back method
void onNetworkChange() {
// here we update the menu item, this is all that is needed.